

To review the outcome of chiropractic care in the case of a fifteen-year-old female with a history of concussion.

Clinical Features:

A fifteen-year-old female presented with constant pain on the top of her head, headache, and difficulty concentrating after being hit on the head by the trunk door of a van. She was diagnosed with a concussion nine days after her initial injury. Two weeks after the diagnosis she sought out chiropractic care for her symptoms.

Intervention and Outcome:

The patient was given specific spinal adjustments using the Activator technique. After 9 adjustments the patient showed improvement in her symptoms and was tested with the ImPACT concussion test. The patient’s cognitive efficiency index improved from 0.28 (pre injury) to 0.43 (after  9 adjustments).


This case report reviews the benefits of chiropractic care in the management of a patient with concussion. Further research is required to better understand how chiropractic adjustments can help patients suffering from concussion

J of Ped, Maternal & Family Health 2014 Sep 30; 60-64.

Author information: Jean-Marc Slak DC – Private Practice of Chiropractic, Burlington, MA, Kyle Price, DC – Private Practice of Chiropractic, Simpsonville, SC.

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